Booterstown Boules

 In Blog

Thankfully the Weather Gods were smiling yesterday when an enjoyable and relaxing way to spend an afternoon was playing Boules on a gravel path in a beautiful park. In my case I am fortunate to be living adjacent to St. Helen’s Park, a wonderful space recently taken under the wing of the excellent Parks Department of Dun Laoghaire County Council (DLRCOCO). The park covers the St. Helen’s Wood area in Booterstown along with the space in front of the Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel.

Our local community organised this inaugural Booterstown Boules event with the collaboration of the nearby Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel. The attendees ranged from little ones who mostly played with bouncy balls up to the more mature players. The hotel were most supportive with ice lollies, water and soft drinks on hand for those who played as well as those who relaxed on picnic blankets. Following an exhaustive and competitive competition (joking!) those attending were treated to further refreshments back at the Hotel’s Portico area located in the manicured secret gardens. In addition to offering complimentary refreshments Caitriona McGroary from the Radisson fielded a team who led the way for us amateurs!

We counted neighbours from nearby Seamount; Fosterbrook; Belfield Park; Rosemount Court and St. Helen’s Road so a great way for local neighbours to meet one another.

Boules is a very continental European pastime and can be seen on gravel paths in many towns and villages in Spain and France.  In Ireland it is high summer now with beautiful long balmy summer days. The mercury has finally risen; so no excuses for some light Boules activity.

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